Fudamoto Ayako
- Born 1991 in Yamaguchi, Japan. Based in Kyoto, Japan.
Based on her experiences in the food production industry and food delivery, Fudamoto Ayako started reconsidering the present-day concept of “food” after coming across many instances in which food products were discarded without even reaching a dinner table, let alone being eaten. The act of creating replicas of such disappearing food resources can be seen as a revival of the memories she has of food, as well as a means to provide herself with a place where she can be connected to this concept of food.
- Selected exhibitions
- 2024
- Artist in Museum AiM Vol. 16 FUDAMOTO Ayako, The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu (Japan)
- 2023
- Unsmooth Gestures, Contemporary Art in Nishio, Shoko-so Fugen-an (Aichi, Japan)
- 2023
- Solo exhibition, Replicant: the form of a dining table, Umeno Memorial Museum of Art established by Tomi City (Nagano, Japan)
- 2022
- Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2022—Selected Up-and-coming Artists’ Exhibition, The Museum of Kyoto (Japan)
- 2020
- Black Box, KUNST ARZT (Kyoto, Japan)

- “pavlov’s dog” 2021