
Fudamoto Ayako

  • Born 1991 in Yamaguchi, Japan. Based in Kyoto, Japan.

Based on her experiences in the food production industry and food delivery, Fudamoto Ayako started reconsidering the present-day concept of “food” after coming across many instances in which food products were discarded without even reaching a dinner table, let alone being eaten. The act of creating replicas of such disappearing food resources can be seen as a revival of the memories she has of food, as well as a means to provide herself with a place where she can be connected to this concept of food.

Selected exhibitions
Artist in Museum AiM Vol. 16 FUDAMOTO Ayako, The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu (Japan)
Unsmooth Gestures, Contemporary Art in Nishio, Shoko-so Fugen-an (Aichi, Japan)
Solo exhibition, Replicant: the form of a dining table, Umeno Memorial Museum of Art established by Tomi City (Nagano, Japan)
Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2022—Selected Up-and-coming Artists’ Exhibition, The Museum of Kyoto (Japan)
Black Box, KUNST ARZT (Kyoto, Japan)
  • “pavlov’s dog” 2021